Auriel Eurythmy offers a set of Eurythmy modules or courses over four or five years to complete a professional Eurythmy training in Mexico. These courses are open to all those who want to bring their relationship with Anthroposophy, and their own inner path into movement, a movement that radiates from the heart, out of love for the spirit, the other, and art.
The first 2 years are equivalent to the first year of full-time training, and are open to all who wish to take a professional training as well as for heart-stream students. Third, fourth and fifth years are full time, but the hours are arranged in a way that allows students to work part-time.
Since September 2024 we also offer a first year full-time option making it possible to complete the training in four instead of five years.
Our Program
As a modular training Auriel has an interdisciplinary approach, using a variety of artistic, study and scientific subjects to support the eurythmy curriculum, facilitating a transformational process in all aspects of the human being.
Students are required to be self directed and committed to their independent work between modules, this creates strength and confidence in the learning community.
Auriel creates its educational model out of an Anthroposophical world view and seeks to provide experiences of the individual streams developed as Eurythmy practice in the artistic, pedagogical, therapeutic, social, and sacred fields.Auriel strives to continue the original indications and source material for Eurythmy given by Rudolf Steiner and creates its developmental model out of an Anthroposophical Worldview while making this relevant in a contemporary context. Please go to Training Overview for a full Course description. and to Heart Stream Eurythmyfor the open option, for those who do not wish to graduate as professional eurythmists.